Analyzing the Success of the Social Security Online Payment Contribution System


  • Gabriel Fitzgerald Ramos UB


D&M Model, Social Security Board (SSB), Social Security Online Payment Contribution (SSOPC), Online, Effective.


This study utilizes the DeLeon and McLean’s Information Success Model as an instrument to Analyze the Social Security Online Payment Contribution. The aim of this paper is to study the effectiveness of the Social Security Online Portal towards customers (users). “The Online Contribution Portal” is a web application that allows and gives the ability to registered businesses or employers to submit their monthly contributions payments to the SSB through a system. The online payments are facilitated through the participation of financial institutions. The Online Contribution Portal provides an electronic version of form used by the businesses for recording the statements or contribution. The present Online Portal is a new system/measure implemented by the organization aiming to decrease cost within the organization and also to help customers in a way to avoid wasting time by standing in line to make payments. Thus, they can make payments online. This research will analyze how effective the Online Portal is or has been for users/customers.






Management Information Systems