MIS Moodle Management Systems Success at the University of Belize (Belize City Campuses)
Moodle Management Systems Success at the University of Belize (Belize City Campuses)
Delone & Mclean model has been used to conduct a substantial amount of research regarding Information success systems. The Delone and Mclean IS Model includes the following six dimensions: Information quality, system quality, service quality, use, user quality and perceived net benefits. Even though the Delone and Mclean IS Model is a widely used model, a small amount of research has been conducted in developing countries such as Belize. This study provides an empirical test with modifications to the IS model consisting of complementary technology quality and self- efficacy as constructs. This research paper focuses on the eight altered dimensions in order to prove ascertain the success of the Moodle system at the University of Belize is. Moodle is a free learning platform originally designed by Martin Dougiamas with the objective to help educators communicate and interact with students online. While there are many information systems around the world and continuous research has been conducted on them, this research shows that the success rate of the Moodle systems at the University of Belize is minimal.