The Success of the Registration Information System at University of Belize: Developing Country
Keywords: Xenegrade, University of Belize, Delone & Mclean IS success modelAbstract
Xenegrade is an online portal, which gives students the ease of registering from anywhere, rather than waiting in a line to do it manually. Xenegrade not only allows signing up of classes but it is a platform for the grades dissemination at the end of each semester and tracking of financial payments. While numerous researches have been conducted geared at utilizing DeLone and McLean’s Information System (IS) success model, the least has been conducted to determine the success of the Registration Information System- Xenegrade at the University of Belize. Besides the six constructs available in DeLone and McLean’s IS model (Information Quality, System Quality, Service Quality, User Satisfaction, Use, and Perceived Net Benefits), two more constructs were added (Complimentary Technology Quality and Computer Self Efficacy) in relation to the Belizean context, a developing country. Thirty-five questionnaires were distributed to students, to aid in the research. The responses received aided in measuring the success or failure of UB’s Xenegrade System.